Edith Padrón
Department of Mathematics, Statics and ORI did my PhD in the University of La Laguna under the supervision of Prof. Juan Margalef (CSIC). My work is currently focused in the field of differential geometry and its applications to physics, more specifically to mechanics. I have mainly worked in the study of certain geometric structures (symplectic, Poisson, contact and Jacobi structures and Lie algebroids and groupoids) which allow to describe the equations of motion of a large class of systems. Some of these studies focus on the reduction process in the presence of symmetries.
I have supervised a doctoral thesis and in this moment I have a PhD student. I’ve coordinated some mathematical outreach projects and I am responsible for one of the online courses at the platform Miriadax on differential geometry and mechanics. I collaborate with research groups (ICMAT, UPC, Coimbra University, Institute of mathematics of the Polish Academy of Science, University Fluminense of Rio de Janeiro,…) with whom I have carried out joint publications. I’ve done several stays at universities and research centers (IMPA, Instituto Balseiro of Bariloche, Coimbra University, Institute of mathematics of the Polish Academy of Science,…). Many of the published papers have been presented at international conferences.
Outreach work: I was the first chair of the Commission «Women and Mathematics» of the Royal Spanish Mathematical Society from 2005 to 2009. Coordinator of the Project «Women as an Innovative Element in Science». Author of the biography «Emmy Noether». I participated with the chapter «Having a Tea with Emmy» in the book «Math Women. 13 maths, 13 mirrors.» Coordinator of MATDIVULL of the University of La Laguna, MATDIVULL has received the educational innovation award of the Social Council of ULL in 2019. Coordinator of the activity «Un fisquito de Matemáticas«. Commissioner (with Silvia Molero) of the exhibition «We Do Science«. I have taught various outreach courses aimed at university students such as «Dialogue with Mathematics», «Matemáticas ¡se rueda!» or «Cooking with Mathematics». I have driven, along with some communicators and some of our country’s communicators, the group DiMa.